C++11 新增了正则表达式的标准库支持


C++11 自带了 6 种正则表达式语法的支持

  1. ECMAScript
  2. basic
  3. extended
  4. awk
  5. grep
  6. egrep

C++11 默认使用 ECMAScript 语法,这也是 6 种语法中最强大的,假如想使用其他 5 种语法,只需在声明 regex 对象时指定即可

regex e("^a.", regex_constants::grep);


  • C ++regex
  • C regex
  • boost regex

如果在windows下开发C++,默认不支持后面两种正则,如果想快速应用,显然C++ regex 比较方便使用。




int main() {
    string a = "modao";
    regex e("m(.*)");
    if(regex_match(a, e))cout << "modao";
    return 0;



int main() {
  regex e("abc*");
  bool m = regex_search("abccc", e);

  // 输出 yes
  cout << (m ? "yes" : "no") << endl;


想要提取出匹配的部分,就需要用到 match_results

int main() {
  string str("Email a@bc.com abc");

  // 等同于 match_results<string>
  smatch m; 

  regex e("([[:w:]]+)@([[:w:]]+\\.com)");
  bool found = regex_search(str, m, e);

  // m.size=3, 存储了 3 个 result
  cout << "m.size=" << m.size() << endl;

  for (int n=0; n<m.size(); n++){
    cout << "m[" << n << "]=" << m[n].str() << endl;
	//等价写法 m.str(n), *(m.begin()+n) 
  cout << "m.prefix=" << m.prefix().str() << endl;
  cout << "m.suffix=" << m.suffix().str() << endl;
迭代 match_results, 输出
m[0]=a@bc.com (整个匹配)
m[1]=a (第1个group)
m[2]=bc.com (第2个group)
m.suffix= abc



假如我们想要匹配的字符串中,有多个子串都可以匹配正则表达式,并且我们想把这些子串全部找出来,例如一个字符串中包含多个邮箱地址,那么就需要用到 regex_iterator

int main() {
  string str("a@bc.com, d@ef.com, aa@b.com");

  regex e("([[:w:]]+)@([[:w:]]+\\.com)");

  // 定义 regex_iteraror
  sregex_iterator pos(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), e); 
  // C++惯例: 默认构造的迭代器表示序列结束
  sregex_iterator end;

  for (; pos!=end; pos++) {
    cout << "email=" << pos->str(0) 
      << ", user=" << pos->str(1) 
      << ", domain=" << pos->str(2) 
      << endl;

email=a@bc.com, user=a, domain=bc.com
email=d@ef.com, user=d, domain=ef.com
email=aa@bb.com, user=aa, domain=b.com

如上我们可以看到,regex_iterator 其实就是迭代字符串中所有正则表达式匹配的 match_results


除此之外,C++ 还提供了另一种迭代器 regex_token_iterator

不同的是,regex_token_iterator 迭代的是所有正则表达式匹配中的指定子表达式,或迭代未匹配的子字符串

int main() {
  string str("a@bc.com, d@ef.com, aa@bb.com");

  regex e("([[:w:]]+)@([[:w:]]+\\.com)");

  // 定义regex_token_iterator
  sregex_token_iterator pos(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), e); 
  sregex_token_iterator end; //序列结束
  for (; pos!=end; pos++) {
    cout << "Matched:  " << *pos << endl;
Matched: a@bc.com
Matched: d@ef.com
Matched: aa@bb.com

我们可以修改 pos 的定义,使它每次迭代 match_results 的第 2 个 group

// 第 4 个参数表示第几个 group
sregex_token_iterator pos(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), e, 2);

值得注意的是,如果我们把这里的参数设为 -1,则迭代字符串中所有不匹配正则表达式的部分,相当于用正则表达式切割字符串

int main() {
  string str("a bb   cd");

  regex e("\\s+"); // 匹配空格

  // 迭代不匹配正则表达式的部分
  sregex_token_iterator pos(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), e, -1);
  sregex_token_iterator end;
  for (; pos!=end; pos++) {
    cout << "Matched: " 
      << *pos << endl;
Matched: a
Matched: bb
Matched: cd


正则表达式还有一个常用的场景——字符串替换。C++ 中我们可以使用 regex_replace

int main() {
  string str("a@bc.com, d@ef.com, aa@bb.com");

  regex e("([[:w:]]+)@([[:w:]]+\\.com)");
  cout << regex_replace(str, e, "$1 is on $2");


a is on bc.com, d is on ef.com, aa is on bb.com






C++ regex正则表达式的规则和其他编程语言差不多,如下:


.not newlineany character except line terminators (LF, CR, LS, PS).
\ttab (HT)a horizontal tab character (same as \u0009).
\nnewline (LF)a newline (line feed) character (same as \u000A).
\vvertical tab (VT)a vertical tab character (same as \u000B).
\fform feed (FF)a form feed character (same as \u000C).
\rcarriage return (CR)a carriage return character (same as \u000D).
\clettercontrol codea control code character whose code unit value is the same as the remainder of dividing the code unit value of letter by 32. For example: \ca is the same as \u0001, \cb the same as \u0002, and so on...
\xhhASCII charactera character whose code unit value has an hex value equivalent to the two hex digits hh. For example: \x4c is the same as L, or \x23 the same as #.
\uhhhhunicode charactera character whose code unit value has an hex value equivalent to the four hex digitshhhh.
\0nulla null character (same as \u0000).
\intbackreferencethe result of the submatch whose opening parenthesis is the int-th (int shall begin by a digit other than 0). See groups below for more info.
\ddigita decimal digit character
\Dnot digitany character that is not a decimal digit character
\swhitespacea whitespace character
\Snot whitespaceany character that is not a whitespace character
\wwordan alphanumeric or underscore character
\Wnot wordany character that is not an alphanumeric or underscore character
\charactercharacterthe character character as it is, without interpreting its special meaning within a regex expression. Any character can be escaped except those which form any of the special character sequences above. Needed for: ^ $ \ . * + ? ( ) [ ] { } |
[class]character classthe target character is part of the class
1negated character classthe target character is not part of the class


std::regex e1 ("\\d"); // \d -> 匹配数字字符
std::regex e2 ("\\\\"); // \\ -> 匹配反斜杠字符


*****0 or moreThe preceding atom is matched 0 or more times.
+1 or moreThe preceding atom is matched 1 or more times.
?0 or 1The preceding atom is optional (matched either 0 times or once).
{int}intThe preceding atom is matched exactly int times.
{int,}int or moreThe preceding atom is matched int or more times.
{min,max}between min and maxThe preceding atom is matched at least min times, but not more than max.


  • 模式 (a+).* 匹配 "aardvark" 将匹配到 aa
  • 模式 (a+?).* 匹配 "aardvark" 将匹配到 a


(subpattern)GroupCreates a backreference.
(?:subpattern)Passive groupDoes not create a backreference.


charactersdescriptioncondition for match
^Beginning of lineEither it is the beginning of the target sequence, or follows a line terminator.
$End of lineEither it is the end of the target sequence, or precedes a line terminator.
|SeparatorSeparates two alternative patterns or subpatterns..


[abc] 匹配 a, b 或 c. [^xyz]匹配任何非 x, y, z的字符

范围 [a-z] 匹配任何小写字母 (a, b, c, ..., z) [abc1-5] 匹配 a, b , c, 或 1 到 5 的数字

c++ regex还有一种类POSIX的写法

classdescriptionequivalent (with regex_traits, default locale)
[:alnum:]alpha-numerical characterisalnum
[:alpha:]alphabetic characterisalpha
[:blank:]blank characterisblank
[:cntrl:]control characteriscntrl
[:digit:]decimal digit characterisdigit
[:graph:]character with graphical representationisgraph
[:lower:]lowercase letterislower
[:print:]printable characterisprint
[:punct:]punctuation mark characterispunct
[:space:]whitespace characterisspace
[:upper:]uppercase letterisupper
[:xdigit:]hexadecimal digit characterisxdigit
[:d:]decimal digit characterisdigit
[:w:]word characterisalnum
[:s:]whitespace characterisspace


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <regex>  // regular expression 正则表达式

using namespace std;

int main ( )
    string email_address;
    string user_name, domain_name;

    regex pattern("([0-9A-Za-z\\-_\\.]+)@([0-9a-z]+\\.[a-z]{2,3}(\\.[a-z]{2})?)");
    // 正则表达式,匹配规则:
    // 第1组(即用户名),匹配规则:0至9、A至Z、a至z、下划线、点、连字符之中
    // 的任意字符,重复一遍或以上
    // 中间,一个“@”符号
    // 第二组(即域名),匹配规则:0至9或a至z之中的任意字符重复一遍或以上,
    // 接着一个点,接着a至z之中的任意字符重复2至3遍(如com或cn等),
    // 第二组内部的一组,一个点,接着a至z之中的任意字符重复2遍(如cn或fr等)
    // 内部一整组重复零次或一次

    // 输入文件结尾符(Windows用Ctrl+Z,UNIX用Ctrl+D)结束循环
    while ( cin >> email_address ) 
        if ( regex_match( email_address, pattern ) )
            cout << "您输入的电子邮件地址合法" << endl;

            // 截取第一组
            user_name = regex_replace( email_address, pattern, string("$1") );

            // 截取第二组
            domain_name = regex_replace( email_address, pattern, string("$2") );

            cout << "用户名:" << user_name << endl;
            cout << "域名:" << domain_name << endl;
            cout << endl;
            cout << "您输入的电子邮件地址不合法" << endl << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
